Marcy Migdal Fund for Educational Equality

The Marcy Migdal Fund supports exceptional students engaged in activities aimed at enhancing access to education for vulnerable students, either locally or throughout the world, and helping them succeed in their education. Scholarships will be awarded based on the adherence of the proposed activities to the priorities of the Marcy Migdal Fund.

Full Description

The Marcy Migdal Scholarship provides two cash awards of $1,000 each per academic year.

Who's eligible?

  • Your resume with full contact information (address, email, and phone number)
  • 1-2 page statement of purpose describing the activity, your ability to complete the activity, and projected timeline. Please be sure to respond to the application prompts detailed below
  • 1 letter of recommendation
  • Transcripts from all colleges and universities, including UW
  • If available, include FAFSA award information

How to Apply

  • Please indicate your major or degree program, and estimated date of completion.
  • What experiences have you had in furthering social justice or providing access to education?
  • Are you engaged in a current project for which you would like funding? Or are you proposing a new project?
  • What do you hope to achieve by receiving this award?
  • What leadership skills and strengths do you bring this scholarship?
  • How will you utilize the funding?

Completed applications should be dropped off at Thomson Hall room 111

Official Website

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