Foster School of Business Freshman Direct Admit Scholarship Program

UW's Foster School of Business offers many scholarships available to undergraduates.

Full Description

Types of scholarships include:

  • Need: The majority of scholarships consider a student’s merit and financial need in determining eligibility for awards. You must be eligible for Financial Aid and have submitted a FAFSA or WASFA to be considered for these awards.
  • Educational Opportunity Program (EOP): There are a number of scholarships that take into consideration affiliation with the UW Educational Opportunity Program.
  • Merit: There are limited scholarships that are awarded based on academic merit with no requirement for financial need. In some cases international students who have been admitted to the Foster School are eligible for these merit scholarships.

Who's eligible?

  • Must be a full-time undergraduate student.
  • Must average 12 credits per quarter over at least 2 quarters during the awarding year.
  • If you plan to study abroad, you must be concurrently enrolled at the UW to be eligible for scholarships.

How to Apply

The undergraduate scholarship application requires that you have a UW NetID to log in.

Transfer students who have applied to the UW and the Foster School of Business should receive notification of their NetID by the first week of April from the UW Admissions Office.

Official Website

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