Harlan Hahn Endowment Fund Grants

The Harlan Hahn Endowment Fund Grants was established by the generous gift of the late Harlan D. Hahn, disability activist, political scientist, and disability studies scholar, to the University of Washington’s Disability Studies Program.

Full Description

Award funds may be used for:

Support of academic research projects, pedagogical research, or writing projects in Disability Studies or informed by Disability Studies.

Travel to conferences in the field of Disability Studies or related to Disability Studies, to present research or to participate in the Disability Studies academic community.

Support for the development of a course with Disability Studies content.

Support for disability related activist endeavors (e.g. web development, meeting support) that are aligned with Disability Studies.

Who's eligible?

  • You must be an enrolled University of Washington undergraduate or graduate student at the time of application.
  • Eligible applicants should have a minimum 3.0 GPA in Disability Studies courses or equivalent demonstration of academic excellence in areas related to Disability Studies (e.g. courses completed in related disciplines, courses taught as a graduate teaching assistant, or scholarly work conducted as a research assistant).
  • Eligible applicants may also provide evidence of commitment to issues of social justice related to people with disabilities (e.g. work, volunteer, or activist experiences) and/or Disability Studies scholarship.

How to Apply

  • A brief (1-2 page) proposal outlining the specific activities that will be funded by the Harlan Hahn grant, how the project fits the award criteria, and the expected outcomes.
  • A brief personal statement including a description of the applicant’s Disability Studies related experience, research, teaching, and/or career goals, and an explanation of how the grant support will advance the applicant’s research and/or education.
  • Resume/CV.
  • Official or unofficial academic transcript (for students).
  • Name and contact information for one professional reference.
  • A detailed narrative budget justification. Request a specific total amount of funds needed for the project, and provide estimates for how funds will be spent on particular needs. Application deadline: March

Official Website

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