Junamici Scholarship

The Junamici Scholarship was established in June 2017 by the Junamici foundation to support scholarships for the cost of attendance for one low-to-middle income undergraduate student with California residency for four years.

Full Description

Full amount of California resident fees at UCLA

Renewable for four yearshttps://prospective-ugstudents-ucla.academicworks.com/opportunities/645

Who's eligible?

  • Low-to-middle income undergraduate student with California residency for four years.
  • Student shall be from the Division of Humanities and majoring or minoring in any foreign language offered at UCLA, provided that it is not his/her native language.
  • Recipient could also be majoring or minoring in International Development Studies or Global Studies housed in the International Institute.

How to Apply

Please describe at least two personal experiences that shaped your interest in foreign languages, international development and/or global studies. Describe your future goals and how the scholarship would help you achieve them.

CV/RESUME: Please provide a CV or Resume.

Please write a 100-150 word bio that focuses on your interests in language and/or international studies and includes a brief statement of current career goals.

Please provide the name and e-mail of an individual who will provide a letter of reference, preferably one that will speak to your interest in foreign languages, international development studies and/or global studies.

Official Website

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