Empowering Women in Law Scholarship

The pearce law firm, through the Empowering Women in Law Scholarship, extends support for women in pursuit of law careers.

The one-time scholarship fund amounts to $1500, and is awarded to applicants purely on merit.

Full Description

The financing of women in law careers is based on the idea of their potential in law-related careers. The sole focus on women is intended for their empowerment in the particular profession. The organization associated with the Empowering Women in Law Scholarship is owned by Edith A. Pearce, one of the leading trial attorneys in the country.

The founder to the law firm encourages the perpetuation of her values in younger women, who are deemed as having sufficient potential for the pursuit of law-related careers.

Who's eligible?

The eligibility for this scholarship requires that the applicant;

  • Must be a female enrolled as a law student,
  • Must have completed at least one semester in law school, but haven’t graduated,
  • Offer proof of financial need with possible support through the scholarship,
  • Have a GPA score of at least 3.0

How to Apply

The application process is as outlined in the scholarships application webpage. The application process follows the following steps;

  • Fill-out personal details and submit through the online platform,
  • Attach copies of recommendation letters, academic transcripts, and resume,
  • Look-out for feedback from the scholarships body
Official Website

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