American Classic Homes Scholarship

A $1000 annual scholarships for high-school or undergraduate students (freshmen, sophomore or juniors) who will provide the best photo and description of what home means to them.

Full Description

American Classic Homes is a family-owned company based in Washington providing home-building and home-buying services.

They offer a $1000 scholarship to high-school and freshmen undergraduate students from any area of study, who are enrolled or seeking to get enrolled in a college or university in the United States. The scholarship’s purpose is to assist the students reach their educational goals by helping them cover the college/university expenses.

The applicants are required to post and share an original self-made photo on Instagram or Facebook including the hashtag #WhatHomeMeansToMe. Besides the photo, the eligible students must write a description of around 200 words connected to the photo’s theme. The winner will be selected by the American Classic Homes team on the basis of the quality and creativity of the photo and the most suiting and well-articulated description.

The deadline for the application is December 1, 2023 and the winners will be announced on the American Classic Homes’ Instagram and Facebook social networks in January 2024.

Who's eligible?

Applicants should be graduating high-school seniors, or freshman, juniors or sophomore undergraduate students at a college or university in the United States.

They should be between 15 and 22 years of age.

The applicants should be U.S. citizens or legal residents or international students with a valid U.S. visa.

The applicants must not be employees or family members of the sponsor’s affiliates, subsidiaries, agencies or other participating retailers.

How to Apply

The applicants must post and share/tag (@AmericanClassicHomes) a photo on Instagram or Facebook along with a 200 words associated description. They can apply starting from February 1, 2023 until December 1, 2023.

The company reserves the right to verify the year of graduation of each applicant. Moreover, the photo and description may be posted by the company on their online platforms for other promotional purposes.

Each applicant is allowed to submit a single entry and false/deceptive entries will cause the disqualification of the applicants. The winners will be publicly announced in January 2024.

Official Website

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