The Hamilton Award

The organization’s vision is to make young leaders of character determined to improve our nation and our world through their service, innovation, and excellence.

The aim of the organization is to continue what Hamilton did.

They want their students to leave a lasting legacy that will forever change their communities, our nation, and the world.

The award is given by the Alexander Hamilton Friends Association annually and it is non-renewable.

Each winner will be automatically enrolled in the Hamilton Leaders Academy.

The Hamilton Leaders Academy is there to help their scholars get into college, successfully finish universities and then start their careers.

Full Description

Winners receive a $500 cash scholarship to pay for college expenses.

What is included in this amazing award is mentorship, practical guidance and a comprehensive network of support.

The program consists of individual support through phone calls, video conferencing, and emails with AHS staff members, as well as group support and learning through conference calls and Leader Weeks.

The committee takes into consideration the applicant’s financial, family and community situation and that is why Hamilton Scholars are usually students from low-income households.

Who's eligible?

The Hamilton award is given each year to provide support to young students who are pursuing their degrees, but struggle with financial issues.

The committee selects 35 underserved high school juniors for their academic, personal, service, and entrepreneurial accomplishments, to participate in its 5-year empowerment program for free.

In order to be considered as a possible winner of the Hamilton Award and become enrolled in the five-year Alexander Hamilton Scholars (AHS) Empowerment Program, you should be college-bound and committed to participating in their rigorous five-year curriculum.

Eligible candidates are high-achieving, service-focused high school juniors with grit, perseverance, and demonstrated financial need and the winners will be selected according to this criteria.

How to Apply

The application process opens in November and closes in January each year, and it is important that you submit your application before the process is finished in order to be accepted as a possible and eligible candidate for the award.

Official Website

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