Is annual scholarship?
Award Amount
The Health Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) offers two services in providing assistance to care health professionals. Grantees may have options it could be conditional scholarships or loan repayment scheme. In return of the loan repayment type, the health care professional willingly serve in the rural areas where shortage listed.
The organization supports the health care professionals by giving them assistance when they serve in areas of critical shortage in Washington.
As a positive result of the Health Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) there are about 100 healthcare professionals who served the underprivileged communities in Washington. In varied 38 countries of Washington since 1990 there are about 1,000 health care professionals who were funded due to this program. Every year, it gives a greater number of need for health care professionals in different areas according to the recipients survey.
Online application form may not be accessed unless you register as a Health Professional. Follow directions carefully in order to get application form in the website. Remember to wait for the loan cycle to open or else application is discarded. Read carefully all indicated details as the moment application is submitted, it can no longer be changed and considered final.