ZEISS Metrology Scholarship Contest

Metrology is an Essential Part of Manufacturing and Engineering Education. ZEISS can help your institution create an engaging metrology program to prepare students for the precision measurement now needed in manufacturing. Our program goes beyond the theoretical by offering hands-on instruction with cutting-edge inspection instruments. Students get to use ZEISS CMMs and other ZEISS metrology equipment to better understand GD&T concepts, become better machinists, and importantly, gain the necessary knowledge and experience for industry success as highly skilled trade professionals. Beginning in 2015, the program now supports more than 200+ colleges and universities across the country, involving over 28,000 students, and participates in more than 40 collegiate and academic events each year. It supports the needs of both the student and the institution with a single academic solution with ZEISS metrology equipment and free software training, service and application support, student learning material, and online tools.

Full Description

You can win! Simply answer the question: How has ZEISS metrology improved your education and future employment opportunities? Share your experience for a chance to win one of five (5) scholarships.

We’re awarding $1,000 scholarships. Five students who create a video that best answers that question will win a scholarship from ZEISS. You have until December 15th to submit your video.

Based on previous participation, we are expecting around 40 submissions, so your chances of winning are very good. It’s easy to do. If you’re currently enrolled in a program that uses ZEISS metrology equipment, you can participate in the contest (see complete rules and regulations).

Who's eligible?

  • Applicants must be part-time or full-time students currently enrolled and active in a post-secondary accredited institution’s metrology, machining or engineering program using ZEISS metrology equipment.
  • Applicants must have direct knowledge of or skills using the ZEISS metrology instrument(s) in the program at their institution.
  • Applicants must submit their videos individually. One video per applicant.
  • Video guidelines: 1–2 minutes in length, simple yet creative, in Full HD quality (1920 x 1080), using a digital camera or phone camera.

How to Apply

Just submit a simple, yet creative 1 to 2-minute video describing how the use of ZEISS metrology in your institution’s metrology, machining or engineering program has helped you!

And there’s more! The institution with the student whose video, judged to be the best, will win a calibration for their ZEISS CMM. That student will also win an additional $500.

The top 5 videos, judged by ZEISS, will determine the winners of the five $1,000 scholarships. Once all 5 winners are selected, the best video of the 5 wins a CMM calibration for their institution. The student with the best video wins an additional $500 award.

Official Website

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