Davis Memorial Foundation Scholarship

The Davis Memorial Foundation is proud to establish this scholarship fund in memory of Larry and Mary Davis. Larry was an integral part of the roofing industry for many years serving on several roofing industry association boards which included the RCA of California and Western States Roofing Contractors Association.

Full Description

Larry and his wife Mary perished in a 1995 airplane accident near their home in Modesto (California) while returning from a WSRCA Committee meeting. This fund was established to honor their support for industry education

Who's eligible?

Applicants of the Davis Memorial Foundation Scholarship must be provisionally accepted as students into undergraduate or graduate degree programs for the coming academic year by accredited colleges, universities or vocational education programs, be residents of the states covered in the WSRCA service area including: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, and be affiliated with the roofing industry. The application must be accompanied by a transcript and a recommendation letter.

How to Apply

To apply, click on the link below.

Official Website

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